
Reservation Detail displays all the essential reservation elements including General information, Room Rate, Guest information, etc. 

Reservation General Information

  • Guest Name: Guest name is masked with an option to display full detail
  • Channel: Reservation channel
  • Reservation status: Refer to Reservation Status
  • View Timeline History: Time and reservation xml log
  • Print: Print reservation details

RES Timeline History

  • Timeline

Display in timeline format on Confirmation / Modification / Cancellation

Status: Confirmed / Modified / Cancelled

Result: Successful / Processing / Failed

Start Time: Requested time from Property Connector to Property Management System (PMS) - UTC Time

End Time: Response time Property Connector received - UTC Time

View Stream Detail: xml reservation log

  • XML log

Record the request and response message for each request, for IT technical support team to review


Channel RES No, PMS RES / Cancel RES No, DerbySoft / Supplier RES No, Booking / Update Time (Local Time)

1. Supplier RES No is the confirmation number that Property Connector returns to the channel.
2. If you enable "Auto-Confirmation" function, Property Connector returns the confirmation number to the channel before receiving your PMS Confirmation number,
3. If you do not enable "Auto-Confirmation" function, Property Connector will wait for your returned PMS Confirmation number and send to the channel.

Quick Guide takes you to the respective reservation detail

Room Rate

Display the essential information like Check in / out Date, Room Type, Rate Plan, Room Count, Meal Plan, Occupants, Rate Type, Amount before/after Tax, Currency, Daily Rates, Cancellation Policy Code and Description

Guest and Contact Person

You can show full information if you have enable Unmask Guest Information

Payment Information

Payment Type and Guarantee Type


Additional reservation information