
Offset is an additional calculation / adjustment that is applied to rates before they are sent to a channel or channel reservation delivered to your Property Management System (PMS).  

When do you need to set up an offset?

  1. Additional product or service (breakfast, dining credit, parking, etc) that is sold as part of the rate or in addition to the rate
  2. Are you selling Sell/Net to the channel and receiving Sell/Net rate to your Property Management System (PMS)? 
  • Sell/Gross rate: Full selling rate with commission included
  • Net rate: A rate with commission deducted. 

You are able to set up the following offset options on a specific date range if needed:

  • Percentage then Fixed amount
  • Fixed amount then Percentage
  • Percentage
  • Fixed amount

Offset provides flexibility on rate distribution in solving the above challenges.

Types of Offset 

We offer four levels of offset, which can be customized based on your operational needs. The one with higher priority always override the lower ranking: 

  1. Offset on a Product (Channel Room Rate)
  2. Offset on a Room Type
  3. Offset on a Rate Plan 
  4. Offset on a Channel

Please refer to How to Add the Offsets on the Rates and How to manage your offset calculations for more details.

How can I validate the amount sent to the channel after I set up an offset?

Assuming we have set up a fixed amount of $160 per person on the Product Level (room type DK1 on rate plan OXXBNBEXPE)

For this example, from the PMS Calendar we are getting $1500 from the Property Management System (PMS) on Jun 1.

Go to Main Calendar and click on the channel icon to expand the Adult(s) rates, you are able to view the rates sent to the channel after offset is applied. ($1660 for 1 Adult and $1820 for 2 Adults)