
You can search for any reservation, modification or cancelation that Property Connector has received. You can access on Menu > Reservation.

Reservation Information

  • RES No: The channel RES number and PMS confirmation number are displayed separately. PMS confirmation number displays as "-" if the hotel is not connected to the PMS, or if you have not received a PMS confirmation number.
  • Status: The current reservation status, please refer to Reservation Status for details.
  • Channel: Channel of this reservation.
  • Booking Time: Booking date and time of the reservation (Hotel local time)
  • Stay Date: Arrival and Departure dates
  • Total Rates: Total rate amount of the reservation (BT: Before Tax / AT: After Tax depends on your Rate Type setting.

If you are not connected to the Property Management System (PMS), a light blue color background displays all un-read reservations.

Search Criteria

Default filter option only displays the RES number, status, and channel options; if you expand the filter option, you can filter by tag, profile, booking time, check-in date, and check-out date.


  • RES NO: :You can search by Channel, PMS or DerbySoft RES number. 
  • Status: Default value is All Status, you can filter by various reservation status, please refer to Reservation Status for details.
  • Channel: You can search by various connected channels, default value is all channels. 
  • Tag: Filter by Action needed, Promotional, Modified, etc; please refer to 标签 for details. 
  • Profile: Filter by Profile (Company or Travel Agent) if applicable.
  • Booking Time: Default is all time, you can filter by last 7/14/30 days, this month or a custom date range. 
  • Check in and Check out Date: Default is all time, you can filter by today, this week, next week, next 7/14/30 days, this month or a custom date range. 


  • Export to excel format based on your selection.
  • After each click on export, a file will be generated and automatically downloaded to your local computer, with a 60 seconds countdown display, which does not allow you to perform export again before the 60 seconds ends.

Bulk Repush

  • For Confirm/Cancel/Modify failed reservation, after you check and fix the error you could mark the checkbox next to the respective record to perform a bulk repush, and resend the reservations to your Property Management System (PMS). 
  • You can repush a maximum of 10 reservations at one time.

The Bulk Repush only applies to properties with Property Management System (PMS) connected.

Reservation Tag

You can locate various Reservation Tags next to the Reservation number, indicating different key notes.

  • Action Needed: Required further action on Confirm/Modify/Cancel Failed reservations
  • Promotional: Channel Promotion is activated and reservations with promotional rate is identified 
  • Modified: Reservation has been modified
  • Member Related: Reservation with Member related information
  • Auto Confirmed: Auto confirmed function is activated and reservation confirmed automatically based on the availability rates and inventory in the Property Connector
You can filter reservations by selected Tag


You are able to perform the following actions: 

  • View: Available to all reservation status. Click View to take you to view reservation details
  • Repush: Available to both Processing or Failed reservations, you can repush the reservation to your Property Management System (PMS)
Repush only applies to properties with Property Management System (PMS) connected  

  • Confirm: Available to Confirm/Modify Processing reservations. Once you have identified your PMS reservation number, you can provide the confirmation number in the following pop up box to confirm the reservation

  • Cancel: Available to Cancel Processing reservations. Once you have cancelled this reservation in your PMS, you can provide the cancelation number in the pop up box to cancel the reservation