1 Channel side preparation work

Please confirm whether your property has cooperated with the channel and has completed the establishment of property information at the channel end.

1.1 No account with Expedia

Log in to the Expedia website at Expedia Partner Central and register. After registration, contact Expedia to complete the operation and direct connection preparation of your property.

1.2 With an Expedia account

Step up steps:

a) Sign in at Expedia Group | Partner Central and select "Derbysoft Property Connector" as your system provider


b) Click on [Room and Rates Option]. Scroll to the other section and Expedia Connectivity Settings link under Setup


   Select Derbysoft Community Connection in the drop-down on both options, click on Save

When you submit the connection request, the Expedia team will send an email to Derbysoft Property Connector Team ( to confirm the activation. When confirmed, the channel status will change to Ready for Mapping and you can procced with Step 2 in Property Connector.

2 Property Connector Channel Setup

2.1  Channel Activation

a) Go to Channel and click on Available Channel. Search for Expedia and click Connect

b) Input Expedia Property ID Extranet and Select Group if the partnership is signed up with Hotel Group Agreement. Click Activate

Important Note:

Please make sure the commercial agreement has been signed.

Please wait for DerbySoft Customer Success team to activate the connection. Once this is activated, an email notification will be sent out to you to complete the activation and mapping process.

a) You can continue your Channel Setting. The channel is listed under [Available Channel] with Connecting status. You can continue set up.

b) Set up the Currency, Pricing Model and Rate Rules and Commission accordingly 

If Expedia Hotel Type set up is for Group you will also need to enter API Username and Password.  

The username and password are for the connectivity, not the extranet login information. Please find your hotel group for the credentials.

Important Note: For Opera PMS user to have an additional set up:

Opera OXI -

Continue to set up Guarantee and Profile information (based on your Property Management System - PMS)

and Advanced, these attributes will download to your PMS when we send over bookings. Click Next when finished.

2.2  Channel Mapping

a) Mapping

The first step of Channel mapping is to download room types and rate plans from Expedia.

  • Login to Expedia Extranet
  • In the left column, select Rooms and Rate then click on Room Types and Rate Plans
  • Click the "Export" button on the right 

  • Go to Property Connector > Channel > Expedia > Channel Mapping
  • Drag the file or click to browse to upload the Room types and Rate plans of Expedia 

  •    When the verification is approved, the channel mapping table will be displayed according to the file uploaded

The Hotel ID you enter must be the same as the "Expedia Accommodation ID" in the file. If the verification failed, you would need to check:
- Double check if the uploaded file is correct and try again
- If the Hotel ID is not correct, please contact to modify it
- We need to receive the CSV format from Expedia

  • Before the channel is officially switched to the direct supplier. after completing the mapping, click on Save Draft to save the current mapping settings 

  • When the channel is officially switched, please click Save and Go Online and complete the channel online setting operation after passing the inspection.

Clicking Save and Go Online will trigger the interface to obtain the the room types and rate plans of the channel once, and compare it with the imported room types and rate plans to ensure that the latest information of the channel is obtained before going live.
- when the channel has a new room type or rate plan, the new record will be displayed to the left of the mapping table
- when the original room types and rate plans are offline in the channel, the record on the left side of the mapping table will require the Delete operation.

Additional functional items:
- Refresh: manually trigger the interface to obtain the latest interface mapping information
- Export: export the mapping table to the local
- Import: Import room types and rate plans from Expedia, they will be overwritten if they are a duplicate of an existing record.

b) Mapping Criteria

Expedia room type and Property Connector room type - Matched

Expedia room rate and Property Connector room rate - Matched

Click Save and Go Live

- Unmatched room types and rate plans will be available for mapping
- If the last letter of rate plan is A, this represents Paid on Arrival rate, you need to map to Paid on Arrival rate plan in the Property Connector
- For the rest of the rate plans represent Prepaid rate, you need to map to Prepaid rate plans in the Property Connector

2.3 Channel Connected

After you have finished mapping and submit, once approved you can locate Expedia channel under Connected Channel

3 Expedia Onboarding process and Property Connector Guideline:

  • Step 1: EG Team, Hotel Team and Property Connector team to schedule the cutover date
  • Step 2: EG Team create a new copy of room types and rate plans with new IDs in the Expedia System and set them as inactive
  • Step 3: Hotel Team download the CVS file from EG extranet, and send the file to
  • Step 4: Derbysoft Customer Success Team upload the file for the hotel
  • Step 5: Hotel Team finishes the mapping before the cutover
  • Step 6: After the cutover, all rate plans and room types will be activated and could be pulled from the product API