
Room Type represents the accommodation type available to your guests. After creating a room type, you can set the basic information like the number of occupants. You can then synchronize the availability, rates and restriction (ARI) with your Property Management System (PMS) through the Property Connector.

Your Property Connector room type ID must be consistent with what you have in PMS, or it will not be recognized as a match and will affect the synchronization of ARI with the PMS.  
Some PMS support Auto-sync room types from your PMS. You have an option to create a new room type or import from PMS based on your operational requirements.


If your property is connected to a Property Management System (PMS), you are able to add 2 types of room types:

1. Room Type: This is your PMS room type, which identifies each physical room available in your property (e.g. Standard room, Deluxe twin room, Executive Suites, etc). When you create a new room type, please make sure the room type code is the same as what you have in your PMS. 

2. Online Room Type: This allows the flexibility for a hotel to manage a virtual or component room (a configured room type comprising of two or more room types). You are able to manage the inventory and replace it with PMS Room Type ID when reservation comes through.

If your property is not connected to a Property Management System (PMS), you are able to add:

1. Room Type: This is the room type you are selling on the channel, including all the essential information such as room type name, number of occupants, total inventory, etc. and you will manage your daily inventory and restriction through the Calendar. When you receive a reservation you will manually enter the reservation information into your PMS.

1. Add Room Type - Create New 

1.1 Add room type

Go to Home Page > Rooms > Room Type. Click Add Room Type > Create New in the upper right corner.

1.2 Data Input 

Fill in the room type information and click Save

1.2 Basic and Occupancy 

  • Room Type ID: Room type ID must be consistent with your PMS room type ID, otherwise it fails during the interface process. 
  • Room Class ID: Select the respective room class you have built in the Room Class set up. You may skip room class set up if your PMS does not support it. 
  • Room Type Name: The name of the room type.
  • Online Room Type: Activate if this is for Online (Virtual) Room Type.
  • Occupancy: The maximum occupancy of this room type, the maximum number of adults, and the maximum number of children. This should be consistent with your channel set up

1.3  Online Room Type

When this is not activated, your room type and inventory is interfaced with your PMS. You are not able to make adjustments in the Property Connector.

When this is activated, you are able to manually input the inventory, or using Bulk Update - Inventory

Online Room Type is only applicable for Property Management System (PMS) users

1.4 Tax and Fee

If you have tax and fee set up on room type level you are able to select the option. Otherwise it is based on tax and fee set up on Property Level. Refer to How to manage Tax and Fee for details 

1.5 Offset

To manage offset rule on room type. Refer to Offset Overview for more details.

1.6 Extended Info

For GDS use, allow user to input the number of rooms and room type description. Operational field.

Edit room type

Go to Home Page > Rooms > Room Type.  Click Edit on the desired Room Type. 

You can modify the room type information except the Room Type ID.

2. Sync Room Type

If you are using the following Property Management System (PMS), you are able to use the Sync Room Type option from your PMS to the Property Connector. Refer to OXI Auto-Sync Room Type and Rate Plan set up and PC Auto-Sync Room Type and Rate Plan set up for more details.