
Bulk update allow you to perform a various actions including Stop Sell, Inventory, Rates and Restriction

Click [Bulk Update] to select the following options

  1. Stop Sell
  2. Inventory
  3. Rates
  4. Restriction


You can update the following restriction for a specific rate plan. 

  • Closed for Arrival / Departure
  • Minimum / Maximum Length of Stay
  • Minimum / Maximum Stay Through
  • Minimum / Maximum Advance Booking

If you are connected to a Property Management System (PMS), the Property Connector is receiving updates from your PMS. Hence, you can only update restriction for an online rate plan. 

Next, you can select date range by Today, Next 7/14/30 Days or a Custom date range. 

Once you select the date range, continue with the option of Everyday or Weekday/Weekend/Day of Week, then click [NEXT]

Once done, you can update your selected restriction before clicking [Update].  You can confirm your restriction action by going back to Calendar > Restriction